Favorite Four | Podcasts


Another installment of my favorite four, the theme this time: podcasts! For the past couple months I have become obsessed with listening to podcasts on my long drives to and from school, work, and my internship. I used to only listen to Spotify and audiobooks on Audible but as a college student not working full time, the cost of those build up and I'd rather not have to pay for something that I only use when I'm in my car. Then I got introduced to my first podcast and since then, my life has been changed.

3 Days, 6 Minutes | Follow Me Around


Follow me around this past weekend, I make breakfast, eat breakfast, bake, pick some blueberries, and then eat some more!

This is my first video on my own personal channel, but I'm not removing myself from the Life with CK, it wouldn't really be much with half of the duo gone. I just felt like making a little video of my past weekend to help share my mini adventures on my blog. I hope you guys enjoy it!

What A Fun Spot


Working at my school has finally paid off! I work at a ticket center at my university where we sell discounted theme park, dinner show, and movie theater tickets and after working there for two years we finally got free tickets to a park, Fun Spot to be exact.


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