Working at my school has finally paid off! I work at a ticket center at my university where we sell discounted theme park, dinner show, and movie theater tickets and after working there for two years we finally got free tickets to a park, Fun Spot to be exact.
Fun Spot gave each of the workers in my office a ticket and we were all allowed to bring in one guest. I brought Eric, if you could not guess (he's the one who took our group shot). Sadly, one of our coworkers could not make it but she was on vacation so I'm sure she was enjoying herself.
We all met up at the Orlando location and we pretty much rode every single ride, not including the children rides that most of us cannot fit. There are two roller coasters there and I only rode one, most of the day we all spent it go karting and competing with one another. I'm more of a leisure go kart-er though because competing stresses me out too much and everyone else is way more competitive. (I did win one round though!)
We all had a blast and I'm actually really thankful that they gave us these tickets because I've always wanted to go to Fun Spot but have never really had the chance, and no one ever says not to free tickets! I also like that we were given the unlimited wristbands and got to ride the go karts multiple times because Eric and I went on a double date to a go kart place and the night we went they experienced multiple technical difficulties and you have to play for each round and we only got to ride once because it took use an hour and a half before we got called to go. This time there were no wait lines to any of the rides and we were able to enjoy competing with one another and riding the attractions multiple times.
Side note: I got lied to and rode an attraction where you're basically in a cage with no seat belt and you spun ninety degrees off the ground and I saw the sky and pretty much had a heart attack. Scariest moment of my life. Till next time!
Fun Spot America // website
xo, Carla Mae
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