My Life in Moments: 2015


Whenever this time of year comes around everyone makes resolutions and sets goals for themselves to accomplish during the new year. Everyone knows the saying "New year, new you." I have never really been fond of resolution making because I know myself and I personally cannot take those things seriously. This time around though, I want to do something different. I want to set goals for myself and to push myself to accomplish them and make myself go out of my comfort zone. I know for a fact that 2016 is going to be a year filled with some of the biggest changes in my life, and I want to be ready for them and to take the changes in open arms and to make the most of everything.

Having a longer break from school really made me look back on the past year and reflect on my personal growth in all aspects of my life. 2015 was a year I wanted to spend focusing on my future self. With my senior year of undergrad in the horizon, I wanted to make sure I prepared myself to be a part of organizations, volunteer, and to intern with departments of the government to help prepare my resume for my future. I am not one to just wait for things to come my way, I work hard and push myself until I have met my goals and even after then, I still continue to push myself to make sure I never became complacent.

Of course, I still let myself enjoy life and be in the moment with my friends and family. Without them, who could I share my accomplishments with?

After a year of thinking of my future and worrying about being able to find a job after I graduated, I was able to worry and push myself enough to find internships with different departments of the government and I experienced so many different aspects of my field of interest I never thought I would be able to. Everyone I shadowed and networked with taught me so many things about what I need to do and the steps that I need to take. The one thing I realized through all of this though, was that I had been spending the past three years of my life working hard to prepare myself to just keep working and never truly got to enjoy life that was happening around me as much as I would want to.

Due to that, I have set myself up to a great start education and career path wise. I have grown my network exponentially with contacts in the field of Criminal Justice and I have a better grasp and what I want to do in my future and the steps that I need to take to achieve that. So I enter the new year with a better grasp on my future and more knowledge on the path I need to follow.


With that knowledge in my back pocket, I want to make this year's goals and motivation to focus on bettering my current self.

I have always been someone to look into the future and to make sure everything I am doing in the now will better that future I want for myself. That is something that will never change about me and I feel that to an extent it helps me, it's the only motivation I need. My own self want for a better future is enough to push me to succeed in all of my endeavors. The downfall to that part of my personality is that I never set aside enough time to just focus on my life at that current moment. So here are the three aspects of my life I want to work on.

Happiness. Not to say I was not happy in 2015, I definitely was. There were so many aspects of my life that I am so happy about and am thankful I experienced those moments. But I want to be even more happy in the year to come. I want to be able to appreciate and be grateful for every single moment of my life and find the importance and silver lining in anything.

Love. In 2016, I want to show my love for everyone in my life. I am known to be one of the busiest people in my circle of friends and everyone always jokes around how my schedule is the one that needs to be looked at to make sure plans can be made. 2016 is definitely not a year where I will get any less busier but those moments that I get to spend with my friends and family, I want to make sure I show my love for them every single time. Each moment will only ever happen once.

Travel. Traveling is something that is always on the top of my bucket list but always last in my real life. Since graduation is in my horizon and I am entering the world of adulthood, my free time will become even more sparing. I planned to go out of the state for my vacation but due to finances, I needed to put that plan on hold. So I want to push myself to leave Florida three different times this year. I want to be able to see new parts of the world (even if it may just be another state in the US) and expand my views on life and to see what else is happening around me.

Thank you 2015 for being a great year and providing me great learning opportunities and giving me so much knowledge on life and where I want to go with my future. Now, to enter 2016 blindly and hope for another great year filled with even more happiness, love, and travel.

xo, Carla Mae

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